First Draft
The first thing that I did to my magazine is I decided what colour theme I would like to run throughout my magazine which is Pink. The reason I have chosen pink is because I am doing my magazine on Pop music and I think that the colour pink will work well with the magazine because the target audience of my magazine is girls age 12 and above. So first I added a pink border round my magazine cover, see below what it looks like.
Then the next thing I did was add my masthead onto the magazine. The colour of the title is pink as the only colours that I will be using throughout my magazine cover will be different types of pink. The title I have decided to use is catchy and plain but it will grab the readers attention. See below what it looks like with the added masthead.
The next thing I did was make the bar code for my magazine as this magazine will have a price unlike my other one. I made the bar code on Microsoft Word, below is a screenshot of when I was making it.
I went on Google and I looked at different bar codes and then came up with my own design, below is a finished screenshot of my barcode.
After that I added the barcode onto the front cover. Above the barcode I added the price of the magazine and what issue this magazine is see below my barcode on the front cover.

Then I added the website for my online version of my magazine. I also added the date of the magazine when its out and when its finshed. See below it added onto my magazine.
Then after that I added a slogan onto the front cover. The reason I used that as my slogan is because it tells you what the magazine is about. See below my magazine with the slogan.
The next thing I did was add in an advertisement. The advertisement was 'win tickets to Katy Perry'. The reason I used Katy Perry is because I have seen her a lot lately on front covers of magazines and I like her music and quite a lot of young people do aswell.
After I had done this I decided that I wanted to change the way I was doing my magazine because it didn't look real it looked a bit basic. So I started to do another magazine, but with the same theme pink etc.