Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Printscreeening everything on to Movie Plus
Although I didn't like using Movie Plus I felt that this was the only way to turn my evaluation into a movie, so therefore I printscreened every slide and added them into a movie. Even though I felt that Movie Plus was hard to use in the end I figured out how to do it, and it was a lot easier than I had thought.
Saturday, 3 March 2012
This is the last page of my evaluation. I looked back at my preliminary task and compared my schools magazine with my music magazine and compared the two of them.
This is the 11th page of my evaluation. On this page I am talking about what technologies I have used and what I have learnt throughout the whole process of making my magazine. Also I am talking about the ways in which I have produced things.
This is the 9th page of my evaluation. On this page I am talking about the ways in which I have addressed my audience and the ways in which I have attracted my target audience. Also I am talking about the fact that I have added quizzes etc to grab the audiences attention.
This is the 8th page of my evaluation. This page basically is the 'Target Audience Profile', in this page I am talking about the interests, age, gender, income and location of my music magazine.
This is the 7th page of my evaluation. In this page I am talking about what media institution I would like to distribute my magazine. I would like IPC Media to distribute my magazine so therefore I have talked about IPC Media on my 7th page.
Friday, 2 March 2012
Improveed final double page spread
This is my final double page spread. I have improved it by adding graphic features to grab the audiences attention so they look straight at them and want to find out more.
Thursday, 1 March 2012
This is my 4th page of the evaluation. On this page I have annoted the contents page and again I have done this to show everything that stands out and to why I have chosen to arrange things on my contents page.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
I started doing my evaluation on MoviePlus X3. As I was doing it i realised that if I do it this way it would take quite some time and as the deadline is on friday I decided to do it on Powerpoint as I have an idea of how that works.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
I have started doing my evaluation on MoviePlus X3. I like this programme its easy to use and its something different. As throughtout making my magazine I have been using publisher. So far I have done the first two pages. Below is a screenshot of the second slide of the evaluation.
Completed Contents Page
I have completed my contents page as I have finished the magazine cover I was able to print screen it and add it into the contents page.
This is my final magazine cover
This is my final magazine cover I have added more pictures to the banner. Also I have moved the sell lines a bit so there isn't too much empty space. Now it is completely finished.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Double Page Spread
This is almost finished I have added different pictures to make it more attractive. I have also rearanged where I have put the pictures because it looks better as it fills up more of the page and because the images are bigger its grabs your attention straight to the images. Also I have added the page numbers with the magazine logo on so that people know what pages are what. Also I have added a banner saying that their is a concert coming up soon, the reason I have done this is so that it gets more of a publicity view.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
this is almost my finished double spread
I have added more writing so that it is more interesting to read. Also i have added the page numbers with the magazine logo so that it looks professional. Also I have added more writing as there wasn't enough in.
Monday, 6 February 2012
double page spread
this is what i have done so far. i have changed picture as i felt the one that i had before didn't look right.
Friday, 3 February 2012

this is my final contents page
This is my final contents page, i added in a few more pictures so that it looks interesting to read and so that it looks more appealing to the target audience. It will be completely finished when I have finished my front cover so I can add the print screen of the final magazine to the subscribe section. Also I have added the the numbers of the pages onto the pictures so that people know what page to look on for that certain story etc...
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
so far this is what I have done on the Double Page spread
This is what I have done so far. I took a picture of my friend and used it as the main image. I have started the interview and so far this is what I have done. I need to complete the whole of the double page spread. Then I am going to add a headline and tag lines. I also might add some more pictures so that it doesn't look to plain.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Thursday, 19 January 2012
magazine research
Here I have researched front covers and annotated them. I did this by asking why questions. Below is threee magazine covers that I have researched.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Music Magazine
This is what my final magazine did look like, but now I have changed it in number of ways to make it look more professional.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Have I completed my research on magazine covers and updated it to my blog?
Yes I have completed my research on the magazine covers but I just need to take a picture of them and add them into my blog and write a little bit about them.
Have I completed my school magazine cover and blogged about how I created it and what I learnt form it?
Yes I have completed my school magazine cover and blogged about it. I haven’t shown how I created it though. While doing the school magazine I think it helped me to understand what magazines look like. Also I think that my final school magazine worked well in the end. My personal opinion is that I prefer my schools magazine a lot more than my music magazine as it is a lot more appealing.
Have I completed my music magazine cover and blogged about all of the processes/choices I went through to create it?
I have completed most of my music magazine, but all I need to do now is just to take some pictures for the section at the bottom of the magazine so that my magazine is complete and also so that then I can add a picture of my final front cover onto my contents page.
Have I completed my research pages and uploaded it to my blog?
Yes I have completed my research pages and I have uploaded them to my blog.
Have I completed my school contents page and blogged about how I created it and what I have learnt from it?
Yes I have finished my schools contents page and I have added it into my blog. I think by doing the schools contents page it made me prepared for when I had to start my music magazine.
Have I completed my music magazine contents page and blogged about all of the processes/choices I went through to create it?
I have done most of my music magazine contents page there is just a few pictures that I need to add and also I need to change the font colours as I don’t think they will appeal to my target audience.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Contents Page
So far this is what I have done on my contents page.
I need to take a few pictures for the coverstory to go at the side and change some of the colours around then I am nearly done.
I need to take a few pictures for the coverstory to go at the side and change some of the colours around then I am nearly done.
Friday, 6 January 2012
Thursday, 5 January 2012
I started to do my music flatplan. My magazine has a 100 pages in total including the front, contents page and back. The reason that I have done a flatplan is in order to see what goes where and if I need to change anything, or if anything is in the wrong place and also to see how many pages are filled up with true stories and adverts etc. The main reason that you need to have a flatplan is so that you are able to see if you have missed anything out or got anything muddled up.
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